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Belinda Noyes, Therapeutic Guide
Writing is a fantastic way to explore your inner world and any difficulties you might be facing. Here we teach not only HOW to do therapeutic writing, or WHY, but also WHAT you can do to find the answers you need in order to overcome a challenge, or understand yourself better.
It is just about YOU.
Connecting to all parts of yourself.
Connecting with our inner world means -
being mindful of how we treat ourselves,
accepting our self + our humanness,
challenging our thoughts,
having awareness of our expectations,
knowing our patterns,
being conscious of flawed beliefs,
recognising meaning…
Once you dig deep down - there is TRUTH
Then you accept it
Then you build on it
Then (and only then) it can transform into something else.
I am all about building a strong foundation that will help you deal with life’s challenges (because we will always be faced with them).
A foundation where you treat yourself with love, kindness, and compassion no matter what has happened or is happening in your life.
It is a constant practice but if we can learn to leave self judgement at the door - life will be easier.
It is messy to unpack your life,
your conditioning, your upbringing, your thoughts, your beliefs, your patterns, your behaviours -
to look it right in the eyes and not be shamed by it,
not to fear any part of you or your story.
We can learn how to face everything and not run from it, push it down or anxiously ignore it.
It takes courage to explore your story without judgement.
When you do, then you can understand it
with such clarity that you are able to accept it... maybe even love it.
Before doing this deep soul-centred work... there often is no space.
No space means no choice, no freedom, not being conscious.
Once you de-clutter your emotional hoarding,
there is space between your thoughts,
around your decisions,
within relationships,
then YOU get to choose what you fill that space with.
Not being controlled and limited by your issues, wounds and restrictions is so liberating.
This is freedom - not fearing emotions or hard things that happen in life - because they WILL happen.
Instead, knowing that you can greet whatever life offers you without being ruled by fear.
We desperately try to attach to anything that vaguely resembles happiness while, rejecting anything unpleasant.
Writing therapy helps with that.
We don't need to attach or reject - we just allow flow.
Writing therapy offers us the opportunity to consciously choose HOW we respond in situations,
or to our children, partners, anyone,
instead of REACTING,
instead being triggered or just being on automatic pilot.
Writing Therapy inspires us to
be comfortable with the uncomfortable,
it teaches us to gently lean into unpleasant feelings
when we lean in to hard emotions - they can't knock us down.
You never want to eliminate stress, anxiety, fear or grief entirely from your life.
That would mean you were avoiding or missing out on important aspects of life.
(for example; grief is unavoidable if we love).
What we need to do with difficult emotions is;
KNOW that they exist
KNOW how to handle them
KNOW how to manage them
KNOW when they are necessary and when they are not.
I have a theory, that most people feel ‘not good enough’ until we unlearn that horrible untruth.
We are 'good enough' simply because we exist.
Just because we have the feeling of not being good enough doesn't mean we have to believe it.
We can all achieve self acceptance, self love, self kindness, self compassion by practising it EVERYDAY.
It changes how we treat ourselves, how we treat others, how we show up in the world.
It can be a deep rooted pattern believing that we are not good enough.
There is a whole number of reasons why we might have the subconscious belief that we are not enough; social media, advertising,
the messages we received from parents and teachers telling us to always ‘do better',
(while they might have been just trying to encourage us, our child brain can interpret it is 'as nothing we ever do is good enough')
We will continue to believe what we did as a child - until we question it and continuously tell ourselves something different to form a new belief.
You will learn new skills,
new ways of discovering yourself and your life,
new ways of looking at things.
new ways of treating yourself,
new ways of caring for yourself.
You will learn new tools to,
deepen your self awareness,
deepen your self love,
deepen your perception.
There is no magic fix to being human and the painful experiences that it creates.
My purpose is to help women embrace their humanness, not reject it through ignoring, spiritual bypassing or fear.
Not to shame it to the point of emotional self abuse.
We are soulful beings having a human experience and it is our human side that we need to offer kindness, understand and patience.
Searching for answers is POINTLESS if you don't ask the right QUESTION.
The right questions GIVES you the answer.
The right question helps you gain a different PERSPECTIVE on things.
You are the only expert on you, ultimately you have all you need,
therapeutic writing helps you access those answer.
Does it mean that after doing writing therapy life will be unicorns, rainbows and you will live happily ever after?
Because that isn’t real life.
It is NOT about ‘living your best life’.
It is NOT about living up to your 'true potential’.
It is NOT about you eliminating stress, anxiety, and grief entirely from your life.
It is NOT about buying happiness.
All those things add to you not feeling good enough.
Striving for those things just creates anxiety.
It is about finding clarity by discovering truth and understanding.
Writing & Journaling has so many wonderful benefits. Sign up FREE to our members area and download our free Writing Therapy Guide.
Soulful Moment
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PO Box 4, Oxford 7433, New Zealand
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Welcome! Click below if you would like a FREE guide on Writing Therapy - it is packed with tips, info and questions to get you started on journaling from the soul.